We provide information on "dealers" to customers who are considering purchasing TRINC's products.
Please fill out your name, etc. as follows and submit it. Our staff will contact you shortly.
If you would like to register your product, please fill out the content to “Content of inquiry” field on this page.
If you have a registration ID, add the registration ID number to the field.

TRINC's Global Distributor Map

Please fill out your name, etc. as follows and submit it. Our staff will contact you shortly.
If you would like to register your product, please fill out the content to “Content of inquiry”
field on this page.
If you have a registration ID, add the registration ID number to the field.

Content of inquiry

Customer Information

  • Company name

  • Your name

  • E-mail Address


  • Privacy Policy

    TRINC recognizes the importance of "protection of personal information," and complies the prevailing legislation and regulation as well as social order for all the personal information dealt with during business operation.
    TRINC also commits itself to make the importance known to all company employees, persons involved and affiliates, and improves to affirm the commitment continuously.

    TRINC neither collects nor uses the personal information improperly.
    TRINC makes clear the purpose to use the personal information and does not process it outside the scope of the purpose.
    TRINC takes it into consideration that the person as a source of information has a right to deny the use of it or any further contact, and implements to retain the information correctly and keep it updated.
    TRINC takes continuously safety measures not to destroy, leak or manipulate the personal information, and does not disclose or offer it to the third party without customer's consent.