Dust cleanerManual Cleaner



The hollow fiber membrane filter is mounted.
“CLEAN-AIR GUN TRINC” comes on stage.

Blow out ultra-clean air
High ion balance
Electric leak-free ionizing
Powerful ionizing
Super low power consumption
One-touch cleaner
Electronic Components / Precision Instruments
Printing / Coating

Feature details

Since air filtering is accomplished at the final stage, the cleanest possible air that cuts out all the dust including own generating one can be blown out.

( This cannot be made on the conventional air gun as ions are cut out at the same time.)

An ultimately clean air discharge becomes possible with the hollow fiber membrane.

Since an air-free ionizing system is adopted, the dust generated otherwise at the needles can be neglected for being spread with air.

(This cannot be made on the conventional air gun as ions are cut out at the same time.)

Ionizing can be made strongly with an incommensurable ions.

An adoption of No-leak TRINC assures trouble-free and leak-free operation.

A super simple maintenance becomes possible with a one-touch cleaner.

From old times the air gun has been used to remove the dust adhering to products and their parts. Recently the ionizing air gun which removes dust while ionizing them with ionic air has come to be used to improve dedusting effect. The ionizing air gun uses an air-filter to increase cleanliness. But those kind of dust produced inside the gun, such as the debris and dust created at the valve sliding system and its lubricating oil, are still exhausted with air out of the gun. Obviously the air isn’t really clean enough. And yet, a move, which factories try to apply a “pulse blow” or the same that blows out intermittently to save air consumption, is getting spread widely. Given this move, these debris and dust increase extraordinarily. To solve this problem, TRINC has developed “CLEAN-AIR GUN TRINC.” Filtering air at its final outlet stage makes it possible to blow out more completely clean air.

Product number (model number/format)